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Tata reportedly progressing rapidly in semiconductor manufacturing

Tata Electronics reportedly shipped packaged chip samples to potential customers in several countries. It is in the final stages of tape-out for chips in 28-65nm, indicating the progress the Indian national champion and front-runner in India’s chipmaking indigenization made since its chip ambition.

Tata Electronics shipped some sample chips packaged at a pilot production line in its Bengaluru R&D center to partners in Japan, the US, and Europe. A source said Tata is in the near-final stages for a successful tape-out of chips in 28 and above nodes. If accurate, the rumored developments may indicate Tata Electronics’ progress in ATMP and foundry businesses.

The sample chips Tata Electronics shipped could be used in various products and were not designed for specific end devices. The chips nearing the final stages of tape-out are slated for commercial production in 2027.

Neil Shah, vice president at Counterpoint, emphasized the importance of Tata showcasing its chip design and manufacturing capabilities to potential customers and partners prior to the commissioning of the fabs within the next 30 to 36 months.

Since India introduced the incentive policy for semiconductor and display fabs in 2021, the country approved four foundry and ATMP projects. Micron, which proposed to invest INR225.4 billion in setting up an ATMP facility, is expected to ship its made-in-India chips in the first half of 2025.

Tata Electronics committed to invest INR910 billion and 270 billion in building a foundry and ATMP facility in Gujarat and Assam, respectively. CG Power and Industrial Solutions, along with its partners based in Japan and Thailand, announced an investment of INR76 billion in an ATMP facility. There are other local companies, including Tessolve Semiconductor and CDIL, that are foraying into the ATMP business, but their investments are not as large as Tata and Micron’s. DigiTimes

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