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TCS targets US with made-in-India 5G radio equipment

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) is setting its sights on the US market for the production of 5G radio equipment made in India. This move comes in light of the growing commitment to 5G and 6G technologies between India and the US, as seen during the recent G20 summit. US President Joe Biden invited Indian companies to support the Rip and Replace program, which was launched in 2020.

TCS, a major player in the IT services and consulting industry, is known for its expertise in areas such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and cloud computing. The company aims to leverage its technological capabilities to develop and supply 5G radio equipment to the US market.

The demand for 5G infrastructure is rapidly increasing as more countries and companies recognize the importance of this technology for digital transformation and economic growth. TCS plans to capitalize on this market opportunity by offering high-quality, India-made 5G radio equipment.

To achieve this goal, TCS may collaborate with other Indian companies involved in the telecom sector, such as Tejas Networks and the Centre for Development of Telematics (C-DoT). These partnerships would enable TCS to tap into the expertise and resources of industry leaders in India.

Expanding into the US market will not only strengthen TCS’s global presence but also contribute to India’s leadership in the development and deployment of 5G technology. The company’s entry into the US market aligns with the objectives of the US Next G Alliance, a coalition of technology companies focusing on advancing 5G technology in the US.

In conclusion, TCS’s decision to enter the US market for India-made 5G radio equipment demonstrates its commitment to leveraging its technological expertise and contributing to the global 5G ecosystem. This move has the potential to foster collaborations between Indian and US companies, driving innovation and economic growth in both countries. ISP

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