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Airtel’s media vice president Archana Aggarwal resigns

Archana Aggarwal, who has served as the Vice President in Media at Airtel departed from the telecommunications giant. With a career spanning over a decade with Airtel, Aggarwal’s exit marks the end of a new chapter in her professional journey.

Aggarwal took to LinkedIn to share the news of her departure stating, “As I close this chapter and embark on the next step of my career, I am filled with a sense of excitement and anticipation for what the future holds. While it’s bittersweet to say goodbye, I am grateful for the invaluable lessons learned. Here’s to the next chapter, filled with endless possibilities and new adventures!”

Prior to her tenure at Airtel, she was associated with The Indian Society of Advertisers (ISA), Procter & Gamble, WPP and McCann Erickson India.

With a wealth of experience in both digital and traditional media marketing, Aggarwal has demonstrated her expertise across diverse industries, including FMCG, telecom, marketing and advertising. Her track record includes collaborations with Indian and global brands. BW Marketing World

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